This is not my beautiful house...
This is for Morgen..This is for Melissa..
remember this song? remember this song and the 4th of July
bombs bursting in air
Melissa and I..mean teens on the hood of my car all drunk in the Marietta Square and all the cars stopped there in the middle of the road..everyone spilling into the streets like a natural disaster..time stopping and life happening right there
right the fuck there in front of your face
Morgen and I
talking about this song
and of course, the X Files there in the Steak N Shake by our apartment in Winter Park
little kids in love..the first adventures in this strange and brutal kingdom of adulthood
Time isn't holding us
Time isn't after us
Time isn't holding us
letting the days go by...
remember this song? remember this song and the 4th of July
bombs bursting in air
Melissa and I..mean teens on the hood of my car all drunk in the Marietta Square and all the cars stopped there in the middle of the road..everyone spilling into the streets like a natural disaster..time stopping and life happening right there
right the fuck there in front of your face
Morgen and I
talking about this song
and of course, the X Files there in the Steak N Shake by our apartment in Winter Park
little kids in love..the first adventures in this strange and brutal kingdom of adulthood
Time isn't holding us
Time isn't after us
Time isn't holding us
letting the days go by...