Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Nothing exists beyond this",

sings the world, glaring at me from its yellow sockets.
"Nothing exists beyond now."
I challenge the stale yellow light to a duel.
-Jeanette Winterson

An empty page is like a broken day and we draw lines in the sand but sand blows away.

wait. what was I looking for again?

Mind full of memory, people tell me I'm slipping into time if it were as simple as a banana peel.
Stranger, I want to convey to you.. connect to you.. begin conversations that will begin revolutions (or at least a riot) but how the hell does such a thing start?
People collide here so rarely, always stepping too gently around each other their timid footsteps could barely crack a twig.
My hair irritates - blows strands that stick to the face - pulling strings away
Fuck. I am sick of waiting for you people.