Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"a sock burns in the toilet... honor the infant amputee"

I am back in town fuckers. Evil beware! I am kicking ass and taking names. AH, vacations. Sweet rejuvenation. The sunlight in Santa Barbara was everywhere..comes up out of the ground. Like a sunny day in Angel-Land. I came back, found a fat dead rat in my room that my heroic cat killed. My cat really amazes me. How can such a little, scruffy ruffian with her demure little yowls and yelps who just lays about all day licking her crotch and dreaming of all the breakable objects she could knock over if she weren't too lazy to get up...How did my little aging cat tackle a monstrous rat over half her size? I feel like all the foggy turbulence was embodied in that putrid dead thing and now Uba has freed me, inspired me...Time to do some slaying of my own. I spent two days cleaning the holy FUCK out of my is like a new place. Regardless of me leaving for a new place I still want my current home to be clean as possible. All kinds of shit up in the motivation is scattered for all the possibilities. Music coming together, mind throwing alot of unnecessary stuff out, new jobs new goals new new new... Ever had a nasty wound that grew an ugly scab? You left it there, wondering when the hell in would go away. One day you scratch at it, it falls expect a red raw weepy spot but realize..Hey! It healed a long time ago! I should of pulled that thing off sooner!
Heh. I like it when that happens.

A little poem about insomnia that I wrote on the lawn of the Santa Barbara Mission:

I want to listen to the nuns sleep.
I want to curl up at the foot of their modest cots and
be lulled by each easy breath that seeps out at a steady sigh
I know it will sound heavy-
like a tree
or world peace.
I am sure the nuns
never wrestle with covers
or flip the pillow over and over in a futile search for
the cool side.
Behind the closed lids of each nun slides dreams of
soups that could feed everyone
or the perfect bend in the brow of some favorite saint.
I want that holy pool of moon in the middle of the nun's room.
I want to unfurl myself there
and sleep
and sleep
and sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rats?! Eww....

1:40 PM  

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