Thursday, August 17, 2006

It comes down to this...

If the show is sold out. If I put my money on the wrong horse. If when I finally ask for help it isn't there. If I show up after everyone left. If she dies before she knows I'm sorry. If my music sucks. If I never quit smoking. If I quit smoking and find out that was the only cool thing about me. If my back never stops hurting. If I let myself cry and am not able to stop. If I'm not able to protect myself. If next time I am not so lucky. If I forget all my CPR training amidst the chaos of crushed cars and strange blood. If I forget to set my alarm. If I pick the mystery prize and end up winning absolutely nothing. If he was really the one but I was too afraid of the vulnerability that forgiveness exposes. If the Christians are actually right. If he never leaves the oval office. If she finds out I was never her real grand-daughter. If this poem is self-serving and steams of bullshit. If I give too much to the wrong person. If they were right all along. If there is something I could of done and didn't. If I never finish school. If I never finish school because I am too stupid to finish school. If I never finish the book, the painting, the movie, the cd. If I never see Greece. If the test results are positive. If I never get to be a mother. If I end up being a rotten mother. If the next time I see him I will be visiting him in prison. If the Atheists are actually right. If I die too soon and am buried beneath 6 feet of "potential." If I die.
The world will still spin
The sun will still shine
and someone, somewhere..
will be doing just fine.


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