Sunday, July 30, 2006

Heavy heads soaked in sorrow's eye brine...

Yes, I know. I've been silent these last few days but I just have alot on my mind right now..most of it having to do with work, namely the community I have come to know and love through my work and there is a surge of panic and horror edging my heart...among other things like the fires burning through my family and then this pushing..shoving of Love's inquisition, holding me in a dank basement somewhere and questioning...questioning.... slapping me around, wearing an eyepatch... I am too full of this recent immediate tragedy to make much sense of the whole of it all. If you haven't seen this on the news, here's what happened:

Really, I am okay. I am just quiet. I did, however..see the Dresden Dolls play at an unexpectedly intimate venue on Friday and it was an extraordinary show and really the best show I've seen in a long long time. So, that was pretty fucking great.
See? Not all doom and, sir..not me..


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