Thursday, October 16, 2008

"I've got a headache THIS big..

...and it's got alcohol written all over it.."

Not yet. But since I plan on getting drunk this evening I predict this sentiment shall apply to me soon enough. Soooo...
Why this need for inebriation?
Fuck if I know. Something has invaded, started throwing stuff around in the attic of my head. A chimp in the chest...
Mind begins a slow hum
Heart clicks like a gun
eyelids flutter and the feet want to run
to the end of what-the-fuck-ever
just have to slip the grip of this Now-or-Never..

Here's a little something I found scribbled on a napkin which my drunk, sulking self had stuck into an old journal long ago:

Maharaja Lounge, West Seattle

Someone's slapping of asses,
makes a sound like molasses congealed around an old chicken bone.
Getting drunk alone
in a sweaty sock disguised as a bar...
Pick up my brain and hear a dial tone.
The little people in the jukebox
want to rock and roll all night.
Someone puts public access porno on the television,
But it's allright because
My eyes make revisions.
The leers of men.. too many pigs in one pen
Makes me hungry for Fight.
Instead I sigh
and light another one.
These empty nights..
Something always fills them.


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